A climate-smart approach

A future focusing on sustainability.

How we constructed Sweden’s most energy-efficient office building.

A climate-smart approach to construction.
We have 40 years of experience of smart construction. With this comes ideas and visions for the future. How can we build better? More sustainably? We take our ideas about energy efficiency with us into all our projects. But we don’t stop there.

And that’s how we constructed Sweden’s most energy-efficient office building.
It all started as another exciting challenge. Kabona (now Nordomatic) was going to build a new, climate-smart office building at a reasonable cost. RO-Gruppen was one of four tenderers, but we knew from the start that this was going to be something interesting. After an additional meeting with Kabona, we went from being a supplier to being a fully-fledged roommate. Together we created our new shared place of residence.